Zoned heating and cooling has numerous benefits. But, are you wondering how it would effect your home's infrastructure and technology? Find out below.
Zoned vs Traditional
Zoned heating and cooling allows you to heat and cool different parts of your home while traditional HVAC systems heat and cool the entire space equally. Since zoning gives you more control, you can reduce the energy usage for underutilized areas and save money on energy bills.
How are Zones Defined?
Zones are created through the connection of looping HVAC ductwork and using dampers. For instance, one zone may be connected by ductwork that serves the basement, all of your home's bedrooms, or even the entire north side of your home.
Does Zoning Require More Than One AC or Furnace?
No, newer zoning systems don't require additional ductwork or HVAC systems. The majority of the cost is updating your existing equipment, like adding duct dampers.
Does Zoning Require More Than One Thermostat?
Not if you have a modern smart home system. One thermostat can control different zones with the help of multiple temperature sensors. If you have an older system, you may need a thermostat in each room and potentially multiple heating and cooling systems.
If your home has multiple levels, large parts go unused, notice hot or cold spots, or are looking for ways to conserve money, a zoning heating and cooling system may be for you! For more information, call 72 Degrees Comfort Company at 515-965-7272 or email us at office@72degrees.com.