Daily bathroom activities add a considerable amount of humidity to your home's air supply, so having a bathroom exhaust fan is necessary to prevent mold and mildew growth. Choosing the right exhaust fan for your bathroom will help you avoid costly repairs down the road.
Main Purpose
The main purpose of an exhaust fan is to remove moisture created in the bathroom; moisture can wreck walls, peel paint, and cause mold. Another large reason for an exhaust fan is odor control.
Fumes and Safety
Using strong chemicals to clean your bathroom can cause health problems if ingested; the exhaust fan helps eliminates those harmful chemicals in the air.
For the most effective ventilation, the fan needs to run for at least 15 minutes after each bathroom use. Look for fans with built-in sensors for the most convenience. Don't let a noisy exhaust fan keep you from using it. If your exhaust fan is noisy, it means it wasn't properly installed. Call a professional to handle it for you.
For more advise on bathroom ventilation, call 72 Degrees Comfort Company at 515-965-7272 or email us at office@72degrees.com